Hlavin is a leading international cosmetics manufacturer and exporter - specializes in the field of cosmeceuticals - cosmetics with distinct therapeutic value. Hlavin's products act in harmony with the human body and provide uniquely effective solutions for various skin- and skin-related problems.
Three product categories:
* Cosmeceuticals - Curative- treatment lines for face and body
* Professional Face Care Systems - Innovative ingredients, zen-oriented
* Wellness and Toiletries
Hlavin's advanced plant laboratories, produce cosmeceuticals with an awareness of the needs for healthy, vital and fresh skin to achieve balanced synergy.
Lavilin Hypo-allergenic Deo leads the company's innovations - an internationally acclaimed, deodorant cream, which is both aluminum, alcohol and paraben free.
A market leader, Hlavin introduced the revolutionary concept of the long-lasting odorless effect - a single application of Lavilin Hypo-allergenic eliminates perspiration odor for up to 7 days!
Hlavin possess full in-house development for its marketing objectives.
The benefits of combining folk remedies, popular for thousands of years, with the latest bio-technological innovations and the most modern equipment are at the core of the vision to create "state of the art" cosmeceuticals.
Commitment to Quality - The products, using only CTFA certified materials, are licensed and manufactured under the supervision of the Ministry of Health.
- An authorized ISO company, according to the most recent ISO 9001:2000 standard.
None of Hlavin's products contain animal derivatives nor are they animal tested.
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